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Salvaging His Soul Page 21

  Once they’d cleared out of the estate, Jake, Nick, Marco, Logan, and Kip had returned to the rented house, packed up, and were on the Blackhawk Security jet en route to Florida within two hours, along with Chase and Tanner. Ian then made an “anonymous” phone call to the police about a “disturbance” at the mansion. After disconnecting the call, he’d destroyed the burner phone.

  While Ian, Angie, Carter, and Jordyn enjoyed a relaxing brunch at the resort, Jase and Brie had spent yesterday packing up Nadine and Amy’s measly apartment. Afterward, they all met up at the airport where the Trident jet was waiting for them. As much as Jase was hovering around Brie, she was doing the same to her sister. Nadine and Amy were temporarily staying in her apartment, while she’d slept with Jase at his last night. If he had his way, she’d be staying there permanently. The two young women had even told Brie they were willing to work at Daddy-O’s, doing whatever jobs she assigned them, until they recovered from their ordeal and gave serious thought to what they wanted to do with their lives. They’d finally realized it was time they grew up.

  Across the table, Angie let out a little squeak, startling everyone, and her hands flew to her abdomen. Beside her, Ian straightened in his chair as his face filled with concern. “What’s wrong, Angel?”

  Grabbing his hand, she placed it were hers had just been. “Feel it? The baby’s kicking. Oh, my God, that’s the first time I’ve really felt it like that.”

  Staring at his hand covering her womb, Ian’s eyes grew wide, and a look of awe fell across his face as he felt his child. His grin grew broader by the second. “Damn, Little Bit’s going to be a place kicker for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.”

  “And what if the baby’s a girl?” Nadine piped up.

  “Then she’ll break the gender barrier and be the first female place kicker on the Buccaneers. If I ever let her out of the house.”

  Everyone chuckled. Jase was so happy to see Angie and Ian getting past the deceit surrounding his alleged demise. Being thrown into a life and death situation tended to have that effect on a person. Angie had confided in Jase earlier that when she’d realized how close they’d both come to losing each other, it’d made forgiving her husband that much easier. Her heart had also found a way to forgive her best friend, but she warned him if he ever did something that “incredibly stupid and insensitive again,” she’d be first in line to make his death a reality. Apparently “Jimmy” was back on the list of potential baby names, too.

  Jase was also happy to have Angie back in his life again, although their communication from here on would be limited to secure phone calls and visits that weren’t on US soil. He still couldn’t risk running into anyone from the DEA who knew him. He’d really missed his best friend even though they’d often gone months without talking to each other when he’d been undercover. With Gonzales, the last known fugitive from the New Orleans arm of the cartel, dead, he also didn’t need to worry about his cover on Caicos being blown, which meant he was free to stay here— with Brie.

  The group sat there for another half hour before the impromptu party broke up. Amy and Nadine had shooed Jase and Brie out the door with the others, telling them they’d help the staff clean up at closing. In the parking lot, Brie gave everyone a hug, thanking them for the umpteenth time for their help, and inviting them back to Daddy-O’s in the morning for breakfast before they headed to the airport. Jase kissed Angie and Jordyn on the cheek before shaking hands with the men.

  Ian slapped his back. “Don’t forget—for the next three years, you’re working for free and paying for Hawaii. I should also warn you I plan on finding the crappiest missions for you, too. Preferably filled with mosquitoes and other creepy-crawlers.”

  “Ian . . .” his wife said with an eye roll.

  Knowing the man was kidding, Jase shook his head. Laughing, Brie smiled at Angie. “Is he always this sarcastic?”

  Angie nodded as Ian wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, his hands covering her abdomen. He smirked at Brie. “What? Sarcasm is my way of hugging people. That way I don’t have to get all touchy-feely with anyone other than my beautiful wife. Neither of us share.”

  While the others drove away, Jase handed Brie her helmet from the back of his motorcycle, before putting on his own. He straddled the chrome beast, one of his few indulgences on the island, and reveled in the feel of his woman’s body against his as she settled on the seat behind him. His cock was already twitching, and he knew as soon as he got her alone in his apartment he’d be all over her.

  A few hours later, she stirred as he settled between her thighs and began to eat the sweetest pussy he’d ever known. Before she was fully awake, she widened her legs for him and moaned, her hand automatically going to his head and grasping his hair. This time, he allowed her to have some control as she held him in place. She writhed underneath his ministrations as he brought her to a screaming climax for the third time that night.

  Crawling up her body, he quickly donned a condom and entered her. Thrusting deep, he stilled. His gaze found hers and he poured his heart out. “I love you, baby. More than anything or anyone I’ve ever known. I don’t want to live without you. I can’t live without you. I may have been slow to figure that all out, but now that I have, I’m yours for keeps if you’ll have me. I want to be your lover, your best friend, your Dom, and your husband.”

  Surprise flashed in her eyes and she opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off. “Wait. Don’t say anything yet. I’ll have to take care of some things to try to ensure my past never becomes a threat to you—Ian and Carter are going to help me with that. But no matter what happens, you have to understand there will always be a sliver of chance it will come back to haunt me. Just know that if it does happen, I’ll throw myself in front of a bullet for you. I know it’s a lot to ask of you—you’d be crazy to accept—but will you marry me? Life with me won’t always be a bed of roses—I’ll probably still act like a jealous ass every once in a while—but I promise to love you with all my heart until the day I die.”

  When he finally stopped talking, Brie stared at him in silence for a few moments. His heart pounded in his chest, afraid she was about to rip it out and throw it on the ground. Her hand lifted and she played with the silver St. Michael pendant he wore on a chain. The saint was the protector of those in law enforcement. He’d never been able to wear a medal like it until he’d left the LEO community—it would’ve been a dead giveaway he was an undercover narc.

  Brie’s gaze lifted to his once more. “Are you done?”

  He gave her a curt and cautious nod.

  “Good. I love you, too. And I don’t care about your past. All I know is you’re a good and decent man who is loyal to a fault. I can’t live without you either, and I don’t want to. Yes, I’ll marry you, on one condition.”

  His heart soared as the corners of his mouth ticked upward. “And what’s that?”

  She clenched around his cock. “That you move and fuck me ʼtil dawn.”

  “My pleasure, baby.”



  “I love you, too, Angel.” Ian hung up the phone and leaned back in his office chair, happy his marriage was intact and back on a positive footing once again. It’d been four weeks since they’d returned to Florida and a little over a week since Brody and Fancy’s wedding. While Angie had forgiven him for his deceit concerning her best friend’s alleged death, he was certain she’d be using that marker to get out of trouble with him quite often in the future, and didn’t really care. As long as she was in his bed every night, he’d put up with it . . . to a point. He was, after all, a Dom.

  Since Angie, Jenn, and Kristen, were at the salon getting manicures, pedicures, and God knew what else, Ian was on his own for lunch. His brothers and operatives were scattered about on assignments or meetings, and aside from the company’s support staff, Colleen, Nathan, Babs, Russell, and the new billing and accounting clerk, Shila Kincaid, there was no one else in the building. Well, except for some of the K
9 crew, which seemed to be slowly increasing in numbers. Ian’s trained guard dog, Beau, now had a few furry friends to play with when he wasn’t working. Babs, Trident’s helicopter pilot and fleet mechanic, had adopted a K9-training failure, a Belgian Malinois named FUBAR. Meanwhile, their assistant mechanic, Russell, brought his veteran service dog, Jagger, to work every day. In addition to those, there were four more dogs, two Malinoises and two German shepherds, currently in training, that had been dubbed BDSM—Bravo, Delta, Sierra, and Mike. Ian hadn’t been able to resist giving them those names using the military’s communication alphabet. They were paired up with the armed guards who now patrolled the growing compound and club.

  Standing, Ian left his office suite just as Colleen answered a phone call at the reception desk, using a hands-free headset. “Trident Security, how may I help . . . oh, hi, Shelby. What’s . . . what? Oh, my God! Hang on, let me pull up the news on my computer.” She began typing away on her keyboard and gave her boss a quick glance. “Ian, Shelby said it’s all over the internet that Summer Hayes was in a car accident in California.”

  “Shit. How bad?” Summer was an internationally-known country singer who was a submissive member of The Covenant. Her producers, Remi and Grayson Mann of Black Diamond Records in Tampa, were also Doms at the club, along with their submissive fiancée, Abigail Turner, who’d become good friends with Summer—as had Colleen, Angie, Kristen, Shelby, and the other women associated with Trident and The Covenant. When the singer was in Florida, the company’s Personal Protection Division handled any security details that came up for her and had also recently upgraded the alarm system in the house she’d purchase in nearby Indian Shores.

  “Oh, here it is! I got it, Shelby. I’ll let you know if I hear anything new . . . ’kay . . . bye.”

  Stepping behind Colleen’s chair, Ian read the CNN news article over her shoulder and cursed. Initial reports said the petite crooner was in serious condition after she’d lost control of her SUV on a shoreline road, just outside of Los Angeles, and rolled over a few times. The CHP—California Highway Patrol—was investigating the one-car accident, and Summer had been airlifted to Cedars-Sinai Hospital with leg and head injuries. That was the only information the news channel had managed to get their hands on, but it was a sure bet they were scrambling for more.

  “Shit,” Ian repeated. “Get Abigail, Remi, or Gray on the phone as soon as you can—I’m sure they’ll be flying out there. Find out if they want our West Coast team at the hospital to help with security. They can be there from San Diego within two hours. And let me know if there’s any update on her condition.”

  “Got it. I hope Summer’s okay. She’s such a sweetheart.” Before Colleen could start dialing the private number for the heads of the record company, another line rang, and she stabbed the corresponding button for it. “Trident Security, how may—” There was a pause. “Oh, yes, Amar, Ian’s right here. Just a moment, please.”

  She picked up the cordless phone, handed it to her boss, and hit another button to transfer the call off her own headset. Ian hadn’t been expecting to hear from Mousaf Amar, the head of the royal security detail for the tiny, North African nation of Timasur, for another few weeks. King Rajeemh and his family had a vacation home—or mansion as it were—on Clearwater Beach, and Trident assisted Amar’s team whenever any of the royals were in town. In fact, Princess Tahira had originally planned to be in Florida this week with a few friends and her cousin, but they’d canceled, deciding on a Caribbean cruise instead.

  Putting the handset to his ear, Ian greeted the man, as his empty stomach growled loudly enough to make Colleen smile. “Amar, my friend. What’s up?”

  “How fast can you get a team to Jamaica? Princess Tahira’s been kidnapped!”


  Keep reading for the short story, Fancy Meeting You Here.

  I hope you enjoyed Jase and Brie’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it. When I wrote the ending of His Angel, I had no idea that “Athos” would come back to haunt me, but I’m so glad he did. He deserved a happy ending. I would appreciate if you would take a moment to leave a review, but please remember not to reveal who Jase really is as to not spoil the surprise for those who haven’t read it yet.

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  Want to know the best reading order for the combined series of Trident Security, Doms of The Covenant, and TS Omega Team? Find it HERE on my website!

  You can also find Trident Security Games on my website!


  A Bonus Short Story


  E xiting the private jet’s lavatory, Brody Evans ducked into the kitchen area and grabbed two bottled waters from the refrigerator before returning to the couch his fiancée was sitting on. He plucked the notepad and pen from her hands and replaced them with one of the bottles. “Drink up, Ms. Fancy Maguire, soon to be Mrs. Fancy Evans, and stop worrying about all the little details. Everything’s going to be just fine.”

  She snorted as she opened the bottle. “Says the man who only needs to make sure his Navy whites are pressed and his shoes are shined.”

  Plopping down next to her, he tossed the pen and pad into her over-sized purse sitting on the floor by her feet. “I resent that remark. I’ve got a lot of things to do, mainly making my beautiful fiancée relaxed and happy before making her my wife in three days.”

  They were on their way to Dallas in the Trident Security jet, with CC Chapman in the pilot’s seat. The other occupants included bridesmaids Katerina Michaelson and Harper DeAngelis, whose husbands would be joining them on Friday, the day before the wedding. Kat was reclining in one of the plush, leather chairs, while Harper sat at a table, typing a court brief on her laptop. Brody’s niece, Jenn Mullins, and Boomer Michaelson’s teenage foster sister, Alyssa Wagner, were entertaining Mara, Harper and Marco’s toddler, with cartoons on the TV and some toys.

  The rest of the gang from Trident—Ian and Angie Sawyer, Devon and Kristen Sawyer, Jake Donovan, Nick Sawyer, Marco, and Boomer—would be arriving on Friday along with some friends from The Covenant—Mitch Sawyer, Tyler Ellis, and Tori Freyja, Tiny Daultry, and Roxy and Kayla London. Brody and Fancy’s next-door neighbors, whose twin five-year-old daughters were going to be flower girls, and her employees from her bakery would be coming as well. Chase Dixon from Blackhawk Security was also attending the wedding and offered to fly everyone west so Fancy and Brody could take this jet today. Meanwhile, a few friends from SEAL Team Four, including Curt Bannerman and his wife Dana, Pete Archer, Steve Romanelli, Neil Radovsky, and others would be flying in from all over the United States. Finally, the Sawyer brothers’ parents, Chuck and Marie, US spies, T. Carter and Jordyn Alvarez, and Boomer’s folks, Rick and Eileen, were arriving on Friday too. The TS Omega Team would be running Trident while the Alpha Team was in Texas for a few days.

  At the Evans family ranch on the outskirts of Dallas people had been busy. Since Fancy’s family was scattered around the US, Brody and Fancy had decided to have the wedding in Texas where his large family all lived. Every October, his parents threw a huge, old-fashioned hoe-down that their extended family and friends all looked forward to. So many people attended that, as the family had grown, they’d made it a tradition to wear color-coordinated name tags so any newcomers could easily learn who was who, who they were married to, and whose kids were theirs, among other details. It had helped Fancy tremendously when she’d attended her first one a few months ago. Since the family prepared for and ran the annual event with such efficiency, it had been easy for them to organize the backyard wedding—they’d done it before for two of his three sisters and one of his two brothers. Tents, a dance floor, the stage for the band, and catering had all been arranged. Fancy had spent many hours on Skype with her Aunt Denise in Cleveland, and Brody’s mom, si
sters, and sisters-in-law, planning and coordinating. They’d found a bridal shop in both Tampa and Dallas that stocked the same designers and were able to pick out a dress that all the bridesmaids could order and be fitted for without a hassle. Then there was selecting the right flowers, table linens, band, photographer, videographer, and the Lord knew what else. Brody’s mom, Elise, had arranged for Fancy’s employees to use the kitchen of a local bakery after hours Friday evening to put together and decorate the individualized cake pieces they were baking on Thursday.

  Now that he thought about it, Brody realized he hadn’t done a tenth of what Fancy and the other women had for the wedding. Oh, he’d helped pick out colors and a few other things, but he knew they’d done so much more. And knowing his family, he was certain it would be an event to remember, even if he hadn’t been marrying the woman who’d won his heart.

  Picking up her hand, he kissed her knuckles before eyeing the oval diamond surrounded by ruby baguettes set in white gold on her ring finger. It matched the formal collar she was wearing that told the BDSM world she was spoken for. Her wedding band was also white gold, just as his was. They were in his nearby computer bag where he knew he wouldn’t misplace the small boxes. He’d give them to Marco, his best man, right before the ceremony.